National Action Alliance to Advance Patient and Workforce Safety Background Materials
Delve into materials from several Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) convenings in 2022 and 2023 that helped shape the National Action Alliance for Patient and Workforce Safety.
HHS Listening Session—November 14, 2022
In the listening session, leaders at HHS sought input on key issues in patient and workforce safety and how a national action alliance could best help healthcare organizations meaningfully advance patient and workforce safety. Discussion focused on three questions:
- What can HHS bring to the Action Alliance in terms of coordination, alignment, tools, training, and non-financial resources to support the effectiveness of the Action Alliance in assisting healthcare delivery systems in advancing patient and healthcare worker safety?
- What are the main challenges your system is facing in meeting your commitments to advancing patient safety as you emerge from the pandemic?
- How can the Action Alliance most effectively support your organization in advancing patient safety? Are there specific priorities for your system or settings of care?
Find out more about the discussion.
Subcommittee of the National Advisory Council for Healthcare Research and Quality—2022–2023
Explore resources from the Subcommittee of the National Advisory Council (SNAC), which provided advice on the National Action Alliance's aims. The SNAC was established in March 2023 by the National Advisory Council (NAC) for Healthcare Research and Quality, which provides advice and recommendations to AHRQ’s Director and the HHS Secretary on priorities for a national health services research agenda. The SNAC submitted its final recommendations for the National Action Alliance on December 19, 2023.
- Overview of the SNAC for the National Action Alliance.
- Recommendations to inform the National Action Alliance for Patient and Workforce Safety.
- Summary and minutes of the November 2023 NAC meeting, where the SNAC for the National Action Alliance presented its update and DRAFT final report (PDF, 1.5 MB).
Additional Materials on the November 2022 Listening Session
- Transcript of the National Action Alliance Listening Session (PDF, 327 KB)
- Transcript of the Questions and Answers Following the Listening Session (PDF, 186 KB)
- Link to the video of the HHS Convening to Advance Patient Safety (1:40:54)
- Links to video starting points of key speakers at the Patient Safety Listening Session:
- Xavier Becerra, Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Slides HHS Convening to Advance Patient Safety (PDF, 559 KB)
- Transcript of Remarks by HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra (PDF, 115 KB)
- Armando Nahum, Patients for Patient Safety U.S.
- Transcript Remarks by Armando Nahum (PDF, 115 KB)
- Robert Otto Valdez, Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Slides HHS Convening to Advance Patient Safety (PDF, 543 KB)
- Transcript Remarks by AHRQ Director Robert Valdez (PDF, 115 KB)
- Debra Houry, Acting Principal Deputy Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Slides HHS Patient Safety Convening (PDF, 591 KB)
- Transcript Remarks by CDC Acting Principal Deputy Director Debra Houry (PDF, 112 KB)
- Jonathan Blum, Principal Deputy Administrator & Chief Operating Officer, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- Slides Commitment to Patient/Workforce Safety (PDF, 312 KB)
- Transcript Remarks by CMS Principal Deputy Administrator and Chief Operating Officer Jonathan Blum (PDF, 108 KB)
- Robert Califf, Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Food and Drug Administration
- Slides Advancing Patient Safety: Role of FDA (PDF, 3.3 MB)
- Transcript Remarks by FDA Commissioner Robert Califf (PDF, 112 KB)
- Xavier Becerra, Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services