Examples of Sample Frame Elements
The sample frame that a CAHPS survey sponsor provides to a vendor would ideally include the following information (data elements).
Elements for an Adult Survey
- Unique patient ID (typically provided by provider or insurer).
- Name of person (first and last names in separate fields).
- Date of birth.
- Treatment, condition, or service for which patient was sampled (e.g., medical, obstetric, surgical; type of cancer treatment).
- Gender.
- Complete address (includes street address, city, state, and ZIP Code each in a separate field).
- Phone number with area code (if available).
- Email address (if available).
- Primary language (if known).
- Race (if known).
- Hispanic/Not Hispanic (if known).
- Indicate if Spanish-language materials are required (if known).
- Name and unique ID of provider organization (e.g., plan, group, facility).
- Name and unique ID of provider seen.
- Name and unique ID of site where patient was seen.
- Indicate if the physician is the patient’s assigned primary care provider (optional).
- Date of most recent visit.
Additional Elements for a Child Survey (if applicable)
- Parent or guardian’s name.
- Gender of parent or guardian.
- Complete address of parent or guardian (includes street address, city, state, and ZIP Code each in a separate field).
- Parent or guardian's telephone number with area code (if available).
- Parent or guardian’s email address (if available).