Health Systems Research
AHRQ invests in research to generate new evidence and evidence syntheses to help healthcare systems and healthcare professionals improve the care of patients. Those investments include research products for use by systems and professionals to address COVID-19.
Among resources available from AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program:
- Use of Telehealth During the COVID-19 Era (Systematic Review)
- Resource Allocation and Pandemic Response: An Evidence Synthesis To Inform Decision Making (Rapid Review)
- Evidence Base for Telehealth: Reassurance in the Face of the Rapid Expansion During the COVID-19 Pandemic (White Paper)
- Antibody Response Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Implications for Immunity: A Living Rapid Review (Rapid Review)
- Masks for Prevention of COVID-19 in Community and Healthcare Settings: A Living Rapid Review (Rapid Review)
- No-Touch Modalities for Disinfection of Hospital/Acute Care Settings: A Rapid Evidence Review (Rapid Review)