Office of Communications (OC)
The Acting Director of OC is Karen Migdail.
The OC promotes the communication of information to both internal and external customers. The OC consists of three divisions:
The Division of Print and Electronic Publishing manages the full publishing process from concept development to Web site posting, and creates and produces presentation materials and resources for the Agency, including the slide library and AHRQ Publishing and Communications Guidelines. The staff provides full-service design of publications and coordinates printing with the Government Printing Office and takes the lead on visually branding the Agency and its programs.
The Division of Media Relations develops strategies and tactics for traditional and social media relations activities to promote AHRQ research findings, tools and training, and data and measures; cultivates relationships with members of the media; proactively contacts media to place stories about AHRQ; and responds to incoming media inquiries. The Division produces news releases, op-eds, talking points, Qs and As, blog posts, and other pieces, and works with the HHS Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs to coordinate and clear announcements and provide information on AHRQ media activities.
The Division of Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement works with program staff and contractors to track journal articles, reports, tools, training materials, and other deliverables and plan for outreach; and develops, coordinates, and implements outreach plans using established dissemination channels, partnerships with key professional and membership organizations, and other users of AHRQ’s research. The Division produces and disseminates case studies on AHRQ tools and findings, produces AHRQ’s weekly Electronic Newsletter, and collects and analyzes a wide range of metrics on outreach efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and tactics.
In addition, the OC manages AHRQ’s:
- Web site.
- Exhibit program.