Grant Application Basics
Preparing a Research Grant Application
Provides links to guides on how to create grant applications to AHRQ to supporting research to improve the quality, effectiveness, accessibility, and cost effectiveness of health care.
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Overview of the Application Process
An overview of the application process.
Timeframe for Application Preparation
This guide is intended to help you plan the timing of preparation of your grant application. Give yourself plenty of time to write the application—at least three to six months.
Grant Application Tips
Tips to help you get started writing and submitting your grant application to AHRQ.
Essentials of the Research Plan
The research plan is the main part of a grant application describing a principal investigator's proposed research, stating its importance and how it will be conducted. This page describes the essentials of a research plan.
Common Problems Identified During Peer Review
Below is a list of many common problems that result in non-competitively scored applications.
Protection of Human Subjects in Research
This guide provides a step-by-step approach to planning, implementing, and sustaining a health services research infrastructure.