Grants Process and Application Basics
Grant Application Basics
Provides links to guides on how to create grant applications to AHRQ to supporting research to improve the quality, effectiveness, accessibility, and cost effectiveness of health care.
Application Forms
Grant Application Forms
Application Deadlines & Important Dates
Information about RFA and non-RFA application submission dates.
Grant Mechanisms & Descriptions
Grant codes, application types and descriptions.
Application Receipt & Review
Grant applications submitted to AHRQ are evaluated by the AHRQ peer review process to ensure a fair, competent and objective assessment of their scientific and technical merit.
Study Sections for Scientific Peer Review
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has one chartered Health Services Research Initial Review Group (IRG) responsible for the peer review of grant applications submitted for study section review. This IRG is comprised of subcommittees or study sections, each with a particular emphasis around which peer reviewer expertise is assembled.
Award Process
Description of the process through which AHRQ funding decisions are made.