Toolkit for Reducing Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections
The Toolkit for Reducing Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI) can help your unit implement evidence-based practices to reduce and, in many cases, eliminate CLABSI. More than 1,000 intensive care units across the country reduced CLABSI rates by 41 percent when their clinical teams used the tools in this toolkit along with the Core CUSP Toolkit. The Core CUSP Toolkit provides training materials and resources to help clinical teams learn a method that can help them make care safer by combining improved teamwork, clinical best practices, and the science of safety.
How To Use This Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to be used with the Core CUSP Toolkit. It provides specialized tools and resources to help clinical teams in ICUs apply the CUSP method to the problem of CLABSIs. Using these toolkits together will enhance patient safety culture and build capacity to make care safer.
Toolkit Components
Guide: Purpose and Use of CLABSI Tools
Appendixes: CLABSI Tools