CUSP and MRSA Prevention
This is a listing of all the CUSP Tools and Resources that have been designed or adapted for use for the MRSA Prevention toolkit, as well as external links to valuable resources elsewhere.
Created for clinicians by clinicians, the AHRQ Core CUSP toolkit is modular and modifiable to meet your needs. For a deeper dive and further details on CUSP principles and application, please visit the main Core CUSP Toolkit site.
Some of the elements of the Toolkit are highlighted below:
- Learn About CUSP
- Understand the Science of Safety
- Assemble the Team
- Engage the Senior Executive
- The Role of the Nurse Manager
- Implement Teamwork and Communication
- Apply CUSP
- Identify Defects Through Sensemaking
- Spread
CUSP Video: Understand the Science of Safety – AHRQ Patient Safety
A video summary of the key principles of safe design – standardize care, create independent checklists for important processes, and learn from defects. This video is recommended for new members of CUSP teams. This video is publicly available on YouTube.
CUSP Video: Principles of Safe Design Apply to Technical and Teamwork Outcomes – AHRQ Patient Safety
Safe design principles should be used for both technical and adaptive work. This video discusses how to apply safe design principles for improved outcomes. This video is publicly available on YouTube.
CUSP Tool: CUSP Roles and Responsibilities Tool (DOCX, 405 KB)
Identifies team members and describes team roles and responsibilities
CUSP Tool: MRSA Prevention Monthly Team Checkup Tool (DOCX, 472 KB)
A progress tool to collect information on staff actions and adherence to guidelines.
CUSP Resource: CUSP Monthly Meeting Pre-Work (DOCX, 386 KB)
A quick guide on how to prepare for each CUSP monthly meeting.
CUSP Tool: CUSP Monthly Meeting Agenda Template (DOCX, 389 KB)
A template with instructions to help prepare an agenda for the CUSP monthly meeting.
CUSP Tool: Staff Safety Assessment (DOCX, 388 KB)
Gathers staff insight on safety issues and areas for improvement.
CUSP Tool: Learning From Defects Tool for MRSA Prevention (DOCX, 402 KB)
Guides teams through the process of Learning From Defects. Below is an example of a completed Learning From Defects form:
- CUSP Resource: Example of a Completed Learning From Defects Tool (DOCX, 407 KB)
CUSP Tool: Investigating a Defect Worksheet (DOCX, 460 KB)
Summary worksheet of the Learning From Defects process.
CUSP Tool: CUSP Premortem Assessment (DOCX, 394 KB)
The CUSP Premortem Tool walks teams through the Premortem process to anticipate and mitigate problems. Anticipating issues ahead of time makes your intervention more likely to succeed.
For more on the Premortem Tool, follow the link below. (This is part of the AHRQ Safe Surgery Toolkit, but the information is applicable in other healthcare settings.)
CUSP Tool: Daily Goals Checklist for ICU (DOCX, 413 KB)
CUSP Tool: Daily Goals Checklist for Non-ICU (DOCX, 393 KB)
The Daily Goals Checklist is a tool that guides healthcare teams when reviewing patient needs and setting goals for each patient.
More detail on the Daily Goals process can be found on the AHRQ website:
CUSP Resource: CUSP Tip Sheet: Assembling the CUSP Team (DOCX, 397 KB)
A guidance document on assembling an effective CUSP team. When assembling the team, it is important to identify key team members who understand their role and are actively involved.
CUSP Resource: CUSP Tip Sheet: Engaging Senior Leaders for MRSA Prevention (DOCX, 399 KB)
A guidance document on engaging senior leadership. Senior leaders play an essential role in building engagement and their support can have a dramatic impact on interventions.
CUSP Resource: CUSP Tip Sheet: Engaging Staff for MRSA Prevention (DOCX, 399 KB)
A guidance document on engaging frontline staff beyond the CUSP team. In order to be successful, the CUSP team must motivate, engage, and harness the knowledge of all staff – this is critical to ensure sustained positive outcomes.
CUSP Resource: CUSP Tip Sheet: Engaging Physicians for MRSA Prevention (DOCX, 399 KB)
A guidance document on engaging physicians. Physicians play vital roles in any undertaking to improve quality and patient safety. Engaging and involving physicians fully in MRSA prevention efforts will be very impactful.
CUSP Resource: CUSP Tip Sheet: Celebrating Success and Spreading Prevention Beyond the Unit (DOCX, 397 KB)
A guidance document on recognizing success and sharing the lessons learned broadly.