Care Coordination Quality Measure for Primary Care (CCQM-PC)
The Care Coordination Quality Measure for Primary Care (CCQM-PC) is a survey of adult patients’ experiences with care coordination in primary care settings. The CCQM-PC builds on previous AHRQ work to develop a conceptual framework for care coordination and fills a gap in the care coordination measurement field. It was developed, cognitively tested, and piloted with patients from a diverse set of 13 primary care practices to comprehensively assess patient perceptions of the quality of their care coordination experiences. The CCQM-PC is designed to be used in primary care research and evaluation, with potential applications to primary care quality improvement. Guidance regarding the fielding of the survey is provided in addition to the full survey, which is in the public domain and may be used without additional permission.
Care Coordination Quality Measure for Primary Care (CCQM-PC)
- CCQM-PC Survey (PDF, 448.36 KB)
- Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) Script (PDF, 342.21 KB)
Guidance for Administering and Analyzing the CCQM-PC
- Development and Pilot Test of the CCQM-PC v 1.0; Guidance for Use of CCQM-PC v 2.0 (PDF, 339.49 KB)
- Formatting Guidance for Mail Surveys
- Mail Materials (PDF, 142.53 KB)
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 71.11 KB)