Search Terms
Primary (945) // PBRN (5 w/out primary), PCMH//Patient centered medical home (14 PCMH only w/out primary; 6 w/out primary spelled out only), FQHC (2 w/out primary), community health (47 w/out primary), care transition (16 w/out primary)/coordination (56 w/out primary), screening (146 w/out primary), community based w/out primary (24), ambulatory w/out primary (134)
Inclusion: Primary care settings (clinic, office, networks), FQHC, Across Healthcare system, Community Health Centre (CHC), Long-term care facility, Integrated Delivery Network (IDN), VA Medical Center, Free clinic, Behavioral health clinic (BHC), not-specified, PCMH, PBRN, Ambulatory (outpatient—in primary care setting),
Exclusion: Ambulatory inpatient/hospital related, Hospital (inpatient), Academic Medical Center, ED, Perioperative/operative, ICU, Ambulatory Surgical Center, Lab, Pharm, Rehab center, Home care, nursing home (unless interact with PC setting), hospice (unless interact with PC setting), Dental office
Inclusion: Clinical staff (general), Physician (general), caregiver, nurse, PA, NP, Clinical Health Worker (CHW), Pt Navigator, Social Worker
Exclusion: Researcher, surgeon, decision maker, IT staff, stakeholder, vendor, Admin, PH worker, Dentist, Pharmacist
- # Distinct institutions:
- # States (distribution):
- # Invested in total grants and contracts:
- $$ Amount Funded:
- % Funds to X: (where X are themes or variables we want to call attention to)
- Kind of Intervention/Program:
- Conference
- Research
- Collaboration
- If research, Research Focus:
- Intervention: Implementing, testing, or piloting an intervention to change or improve the way primary care is delivered
- Data Analysis: Research focused on analysis of existing data sets
- Measure Development: Development or testing the usability or validity of a proposed measure of care
- Methods Development: Developing, testing, refining research methods
- Exploratory: Research to describe a care context or issue preliminary to developing an intervention
- N/A
Age Studied (Did the abstract/SS indicate that the work described would have impact on, involve, or study the following age groups?): PEDS (Infant, children, pediatric setting), Adolescent (13–17 years old, teen), Young Adult (18–25 years old), Adult (25–65 years old), Elderly (65+ years old), None indicated
Coverage (Did the abstract/SS indicate that the work described would have impact on, involve, or leverage the following insured/insurance populations?): Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance, Uninsured, Veterans (VHA), None indicated
Race/ethnicity (Did the abstract/SS indicate that the work described would have impact on, involve, or study the following racial or ethnic groups?): Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American/Alaska Native, Asian, Pacific Islander, White, Race/ethnicity (not-specified): [when race/ethnicity mentioned as a population but is not stratified], None indicated
Vulnerable populations (Did the abstract/SS indicate that the work described would have impact on, involve, or study the following vulnerable groups/populations?):
- Minorities: minority racial/ethnic group regardless of if that group is specifically identified or not
- Low income: low income or poor populations or populations that primarily use FQHCs
- Underserved: mentions (in text) "underserved" communities, locations, or populations.
- Disabilities: physical or mental disabilities
- Low literacy: mentions (in text) "low literacy", addresses literacy in health populations, or language barriers in relation to health access or care
- Special healthcare needs: healthcare and needs of children with chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional conditions. Requires extra medical management, intervention, and/or use of specialized services/programs
- Trans: transgender or transexual
- LGB: lesbian, gay, bisexual
- Other (gender ID): people who identify as a gender discordant with their biological sex
- Vulnerable (non-specific): when vulnerable populations mentioned but not stratified
- None indicated
Geography (Did the abstract/SS indicate that the work described would have impact on, involve, or study populations the following geographical locations?): Urban/inner city, rural, suburban, None indicated
Medical Conditions Studied
Chronic Disease (Did the abstract/SS indicate that the work described would have impact on, involve, or study the following conditions? Does not include screening):
- Arthritis/joint disorders: Arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis
- Asthma: child and adult
- CVD: HTN, CAD, CHF, PAD, stroke
- Diabetes
- Obesity: beyond being overweight
- GI disorder: reflux, peptic ulcer
- Other (): includes depression, cancer (breast, colon, cervical, penile, kidney, lung, prostate), dementia, COPD, lung disease, thromboembolic, chronic pain, opioids, substance abuse, Alzheimer’s, Sickle Cell, headaches/seizures, Dyslipidemia-hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, peripheral neuropathy, schizophrenia, HIV, HCV, allergies, etc.
- Other (cancer, general), other (mental, general), other (Dyslipidemia, general): general – these did not specify what the specific condition(s) was/were.
- Other (undefined): general impact on a chronic disease mentioned
- Other (multiple): worded as co-occurring multiple chronic disorders but did not specify (MCC)
- None indicated
MCC (Y/N): defined as more than one co-occurring/comorbid chronic condition; does not include mental health*
Mental/behavioral health (Y/N) defined as depression, anxiety, behavioral changes—ex. changing drug abuse behavior or exercise/diet, includes mental health disorders or conditions, includes neurological disorders or conditions
Cancer: (Y/N) defined as Cancer (unspecified), Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer (HPV), Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Skin Cancer, Penile Cancer, Kidney Cancer—Includes screening
Infectious Disease: (Y/N) defined as HIV/AIDS, HCV, HPV, any other bacteria/fungal/viral infection
Women's Health Issues: (Y/N) defined as Contraception, well woman exams, cervical cancer screening, breast cancer screening, pregnancy, prenatal, breast feeding
Prevention (Y/N): defined as Immunizations, Screening, Tobacco use, Substance use, behavioral counseling, preventative medications (aspirin, statins), diet, exercise, safety
Healthcare Themes
Clinical Decision-making (Y/N) defined as Decision support tools or processes that processes/organizes/prioritizes information (pt or general) allow a clinician to make a care decision at the moment/point of care. Includes shared decision-making with the patient. These tools or processes may interpret or integrate evidence/data and be integral in suggesting next steps for treatment, alerting providers, catching potential problems (med interaction). Includes: computerized alerts/reminders to clinicians or patients; integration of clinical guidelines into best-practice alerts or processes; condition specific order sets; focused pt data reports/summaries; documentation templates; dx support; contextually relevant reference info. Excludes: practice facilitation
Medication management and adherence (Y/N) defined as System or workflow intended to ensure that patients are on the correct medications (i.e. reconciliation), to help pts stay on their medication, or reduce incidence of missing a dose.
PHC transformation (Y/N) defined as fundamentally changing how care is delivered and/or creating the infrastructure needed to transform care at a location, in a HC system, or in a network/region. This often includes system-wide changes to PHC delivery that is often associated with the creation/shift to/transformation of practices into PCMHs, ACOs, or some other kind of medical home care structure. Includes: understanding changes/process of transformation into a medical home, creating/supporting/maintaining infrastructure for PC transformation (IMPACT), state level initiatives that provide QI infrastructure for transformation, and estimating costs of transformation.
Care Management [Coordination/Transitions in Care] (Y/N) defined as people or processes in the workflow who/that are needed to ensure continuity of care such as navigator or social worker; includes technology or processes that help pts move through healthcare system/providers; chronic disease management and education. Needs to reference "who" is involved in management of care
Cost or Payment Schema (Y/N) defined as a grant that either deals with cost of implementation, payment bundling, or how pts will have to pay for care
Primary Care Models: Y(PCMH), Y(other), N defined as referencing the whole practice; either PCMH, Primary Care First (PCF), Direct Contracting (DC), Direct Primary Care model. Excludes: Chronic Care Model, ACO
PBRN (Y/N) defined as Network of researchers and clinicians in primary care that help enhance best practices
Quality Improvement (Y/N) defined as a systematic and continuous process(es)—not just doing something that will improve care in the future. Systemic formal approach to analysis of practice improvement and efforts to improve performance. Includes: PDSAs, LEAN, Six Sigma
Leveraging HIT (Y/N) defined as using health information technology to enhance, improve, or build on a process; or technology used to help manage pts/increase pt stake in care
Dissemination and Implementation (Y/N) defined as a grant that is implementing or disseminating an established protocol, novel intervention, or proven work AND which collects data on/studies the process of that dissemination/implementation activity—Includes: Barriers/facilitators to adopting a process. Excludes: standard conferences or support of something that would be implemented