AHRQ Research Conferences
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2015 AHRQ Research Conference
Keynote Speakers
Beverley H. Johnson, Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care
Alice Rivlin, Brookings Institution
Bruce Siegel, M.D., America's Essential Hospitals
The 2015 AHRQ Research Conference, "Producing Evidence and Engaging Partners to Improve Health Care," was held October 4-6, 2015, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Crystal City, Virginia. The conference, which was co-hosted by AcademyHealth, brought together authorities in health care research and policy to participate in sessions focused on addressing today's challenges in improving quality, safety, access and value in health care.
In addition, AHRQ and AcademyHealth partnered with the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to host joint sessions on Tuesday afternoon, October 6, 2015, also at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, as part of the AHRQ research conference and PCORI's first annual meeting, which followed at the same location from October 6–8, 2015.
The Tuesday afternoon sessions jointly hosted by AHRQ, AcademyHealth, and PCORI addressed key issues in dissemination and implementation of patient-centered outcomes research.
For the 2015 Annual Conference, AHRQ and AcademyHealth expanded the call for abstracts to showcase the breadth and depth of AHRQ-sponsored work and highlight the many ways that AHRQ research, data, and tools are contributing to measurable improvements in health care. AHRQ and AcademyHealth were pleased to invite organizations and individuals, AHRQ grantees and contractors, currently receiving AHRQ funding or were funded no earlier than 2012, to submit original research, including implementation research and evaluation, for display as posters. Submissions were accepted in the following thematic areas: Improving Health Care Quality; Making Health Care Safer; Increasing Accessibility to Health Care; Improving Health Care Affordability, Efficiency, and Cost Transparency; Racial Ethnic Disparities; Research on Dissemination and Implementation Science. Priority was given to abstracts that addressed the theme of the conference, demonstrated measurable improvement in policy or practice, rigorous methodological approach as well as showed innovation in advancing the field.
Conference Materials
Conference materials from past AHRQ Annual Conferences, including slide presentations and videos of plenary sessions (when available).