Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR)
Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR) is a process that health care institutions and practitioners can use to respond in a timely, thorough, and just way when unexpected events cause patient harm. This AHRQ toolkit, based on the CANDOR process, is intended to assist hospitals in implementing communication and optimal resolution programs.
A traditional approach when unexpected harm occurs often follows a "deny-and-defend" strategy, providing limited information to patients and families, and avoiding admission of fault. In short, the CANDOR process is a more patient-centered approach that emphasized early disclosure of adverse events and a more proactive method to achieving an amicable and fair resolution for the patient/family and involved health care providers.
Getting Started
- Implementation Guide for the CANDOR Process (PDF, 504 KB)
- Acknowledgments (PDF, 90 KB)
Module 1: An Overview of the CANDOR Process
- Overview of the CANDOR Process Facilitator Notes (PowerPoint, 1 MB)
- Tool: Grand Rounds Facilitator Notes (PowerPoint, 7.5 MB; PDF, 4 MB)
- Video: Introduction to Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR)
- Video: Grand Rounds.
Module 2: Obtaining Organizational Buy-in and Support
- Obtaining Organizational Buy-in and Support Facilitator Notes (PowerPoint, 1 MB)
- Tool: Building the Business Case for CANDOR Worksheet (PDF, 208 KB)
- Video: Peer to Peer Coaching
Module 3: Preparing for Implementation: Gap Analysis
- Preparing for Implementation: Gap Analysis Facilitator Notes (PowerPoint, 836 KB)
- Tool: Gap Analysis Facilitator's Guide (PDF, 440 KB)
Module 4: Event Reporting, Event Investigation and Analysis
- Event Reporting, Event Investigation, and Facilitator Notes (PowerPoint, 1 MB)
- Tool: CANDOR Event Checklist (PDF, 200 KB)
- Tool: System-Focused Event Investigation and Analysis Guide (PDF, 670 KB)
Module 5: Response and Disclosure
- Response and Disclosure Facilitator Notes (PowerPoint, 2 MB)
- Tool: Communication Assessment Guide (PDF, 460 KB)
- Tool: Case Scenarios: Handling Challenging Communications (PDF, 237 KB)
- Tool: Disclosure Checklist (PDF, 235 KB)
- Video: Appropriate Disclosure to a Patient
- Video: Inappropriate Disclosure to a Patient
Module 6: Care for the Caregiver
- Care for the Caregiver Facilitator Notes (PowerPoint, 2 MB)
- Tool: Care for the Caregiver Program Implementation Guide (PDF, 269 KB)
- Video: Peer Support Interaction—Physician
- Video: Peer Support Interaction—Nurse
Module 7: Resolution
- Resolution Facilitator Notes (PowerPoint, 757 KB)
Adverse Event—Reasonable Care
Adverse Event—Unreasonable Care
- Video: Notification of Adverse Event
- Video: Planning for Meetings with Family
- Video: Disclosure Conversation with Family
- Video: Offer of Compensation