AHRQ's Strategic Framework for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund
AHRQ has developed a strategic framework for the Agency's Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (PCORTF) investments through fiscal year 2029. Reauthorization of the PCORTF for ten years provided an opportunity for long-range planning to guide program development and evaluation of AHRQ's PCORTF investments. The PCORTF strategic framework aligns with AHRQ's mission and broader goals of improving the quality, safety, equity, and value of healthcare delivery. The strategic framework provides a long-range mission, vision, and goal, as well as four high-level strategic priorities for future PCORTF investments and ten cross-cutting strategies to achieve them. Health equity and patient-centeredness are essential to all areas of the framework. For a more detailed description, download the full PCORTF Strategic Framework (PDF, 2.4 MB).
AHRQ contracted with the Arbor Research Collaborative for Health to synthesize the above information sources in an External Stakeholder Report (PDF, 774 KB). Based on the synthesized public feedback, AHRQ worked closely with Arbor Research to revise and finalize AHRQ's PCORTF strategic framework (PDF, 935 KB).
Developing the PCORTF Strategic Framework
Expert staff from across AHRQ's research centers and operational offices engaged in a collaborative strategic planning process to develop a proposed PCORTF strategic framework released to the public in February 2022. AHRQ then embarked on a robust process to obtain wide-ranging public and expert input to finalize the framework.
- The PCORTF Strategic Framework was posted in the Federal Register with a request for public comment from February 19 to May 24, 2022. AHRQ received a robust response from individuals and organizations representing a wide variety of organizations and individuals, including academia, industry, clinicians, government agencies, private sector payors and consultants, community and advocacy organizations, and patients.
- AHRQ commissioned The National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) to independently plan and host a series of four virtual workshops, Accelerating the Use of Findings from Patient-Centered Outcomes Research in Clinical Practice to Improve Health and Health Care: A Workshop Series , in June and July of 2022. Subject matter experts provided input on how to accelerate the use of PCOR findings into clinical practice.
- AHRQ's PCORTF Subcommittee of the National Advisory Council (SNAC) held four meetings from June to October of 2022 and subsequently provided recommendations about PCORTF investments that were presented in a report to and approved by the AHRQ National Advisory Council (NAC).
In addition, AHRQ has previously received expert and stakeholder input from other PCORTF planning events and activities to inform its work going forward. These included the Multiple Chronic Conditions Research Summit, the Primary Care Research Conference, the Health Equity Summit, and U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations.
AHRQ contracted with the Arbor Research Collaborative for Health to synthesize the above information sources in an External Stakeholder Report. Based on the synthesized public feedback, AHRQ worked closely with Arbor Research to revise and finalize AHRQ's PCORTF strategic framework (PDF, 935 KB).