Prevention and Chronic Care
Evidence-Based Decisionmaking
Evidence-based practice is the use of the best available evidence together with a clinician's expertise and a patient's values and preferences in making health care decisions. The Prevention and Chronic Care Program works to expand the available evidence base for evidence-based practice and to ensure clinicians have the tools to put this knowledge base into practice.
Healthier Pregnancy Provider Training
Healthier Pregnancy: Tools and Techniques to Best Provide Affordable Care Act Covered Preventive Services addresses successful practices in implementing U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations around obesity, alcohol, depression, intimate partner violence, tobacco, and breastfeeding in pre- and perinatal care settings.
Improving Primary Care Practice
Primary care is the cornerstone of health care that is effective and efficient and meets the needs of patients, families, and communities. Our primary care system currently has significant—and perhaps unprecedented—opportunities to emphasize quality improvement (QI) and practice redesign in ways that could fundamentally improve health care in the United States. To ensure these efforts are successful, there is a need to build and sustain the ability of primary care practices to engage in QI activities in a continuous and effective way.
AHRQ works to improve the delivery of preventive care by developing tools, resources, and materials to support health care organizations and engage the entire health care delivery system.