Prevention Resources
Confidential Physician Feedback Reports: Designing for Optimal Impact on Performance
Confidential feedback reporting is widely considered to be a precursor to and a foundation for performance improvement. However, to enable change, the physician responsible for and capable of change must receive, understand, and act on the information. This guide informs developers of feedback reports about evidence-based strategies to consider when developing or refining a feedback reporting system. This guide is appropriate for many audiences, including medical groups, health plans, payers, professional societies, regional quality improvement collaboratives, and dissemination and implementation campaigns.
Making Physician Feedback Reports More Effective
This article in NEJM Catalyst discusses features that can make physician feedback reports more useful in improving practice.
Resources for Women’s Health
AHRQ offers information to help enhance our understanding of women’s unique health needs and empower women to be more engaged in health care decisions. In addition to cancer and heart disease, health concerns unique to women, such as pregnancy and gynecologic care, are included.
Research Initiative in Clinical Economics
Research on cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), cost-benefit analysis, and methods for estimating the value of health care interventions, use of resources, outcomes, and quality.
Vision Rehabilitation: Care and Benefit Plan Models
Vision Rehabilitation: Care and Benefit Plan Models: Literature Review