Translating Research Into Practice
Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks III (ACTION III)
ACTION III is a contract mechanism the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) uses to support field-based delivery system research. Through ACTION III task orders, AHRQ supports and studies the development and testing of interventions designed to improve care delivery, and the dissemination and implementation of successful care delivery models in diverse care settings.
Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks (ACTION) 4
ACTION 4 is the fourth generation of an AHRQ-wide contracting mechanism that supports field-based delivery system research. In addition to the core competencies of field-based health services research that characterized ACTION III, ACTION 4 includes a focus on:
- Learning health systems (LHS) to use knowledge and data to support continuous improvement in clinical care and care delivery.
- “Whole person, 360° care” across the full spectrum of care and the entire lifespan, including greater understanding of social determinants of health and stronger connections between community-based social services and health services providers, especially for those with multiple chronic conditions and socioeconomic disadvantages.
- Data-driven approaches for population health management and delivery of patient-centered care.
- Transformation to a value-based healthcare system that pays for outcomes, rewards efficiency, focuses on disease prevention, and empowers consumers, providers, and purchasers through improved transparency around price and quality.