Final Report
This report summarizes the experience of the CNA Health ACTION (Accelerating Change and Transformation in Organizations and Networks) Partnership in implementing and assessing a health care intervention to increase colorectal cancer screening and followup. The System Approach to Tracking and Increasing Screening for Public Health Improvement of Colorectal Cancer (SATIS-PHI/CRC) was a demonstration project conducted in primary care practices in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania. This report also contains a description of dissemination plans and efforts to date to spread the uptake of this intervention to other health care settings.
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Contract No. HHSA290200600014, Task Order No. 290-06-0014-1
Prepared by:
Daniel M. Harris, Ph.D., and Amanda E. Borsky, M.P.P., CNA
With contributions from members of the CNA Health ACTION Partnership for SATIS-PHI/CRC: Brian Stello, M.D., Melanie Johnson, M.P.A., and Nancy Gratz, M.P.A., Lehigh Valley Health Network. Mona Sarfaty, M.D., Ronald Myers, Ph.D., Randa Sifri, M.D., James Cocroft, M.A., and Martha Kasper-Keintz, Sc.M., Thomas Jefferson University.
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
Project Overview
Pilot and Intervention Protocol
Overview of the Intervention
Scope and Outline of the Report
2. Description of the Intervention
Rationale and Supporting Evidence
The Central Entity
Step 1: Recruit Practices
Step 2: Conduct Academic Detailing
Step 3: Identify Eligible Patients
Step 4: Mail Screening Information and Materials
Step 5: Track Patient Screening and Results
Step 6: Provide Feedback to Practices
3. Assessment Plan and Methodology
Assessment Design
Data Sources
Outcome Measures
Patient and Practice Attributes
4. Assessment of the Intervention
PRISM Context Domain
PRISM Outcome Domain
5. Dissemination
End Users
Dissemination Partners
Dissemination Toolkit
Current Dissemination Activities
6. Conclusions
This document contains preliminary analysis that is subject to further review and modification. This paper does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
This document is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without permission except those copyrighted materials noted for which further reproduction is prohibited without the specific permission of the copyright holders.