TeamSTEPPS Patient Videos
In these three videos, patients describe their interactions with their doctors and medical teams and how their interactions relate to tools used as a part of TeamSTEPPS.
TeamSTEPPS Patient Video: Tara (7:15)
Tara, a patient, discusses the impact that verbal and nonverbal communication had on both challenging and positive interactions she had with different physicians as she obtained care following a heart attack.
TeamSTEPPS Patient Video: Nikki (4:13)
Nikki, a family caregiver, shares the value of using check-backs to ensure she and her son's pulmonologist have a shared mental model. She describes how her distressing initial encounter with the doctor developed into a trusting relationship.
TeamSTEPPS Patient Video: Greg (4:23)
Greg, a patient, describes how positive teamwork in a cardiac rehabilitation program helped restore his health, and how specific communication tools such as SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) foster effective communication in time-sensitive diagnoses.