Integrating Decision Aids into Primary Care: Toolkit
Resource: Decision Support Toolkit for Primary Care
Patient decision aids are tools for sharing evidence about treatment and screening options and helping patients clarify their values. This toolkit outlines seven steps for implementing a patient decision-support framework in primary care to support shared decision-making, a component of Key Driver 5: Engage with patients and families in evidence-based care and quality improvement. It includes checklists, sources of decision aids, links to online tutorials and slide sets for training, workflow maps, and other tools for integrating decision aids into clinical care. The seven-step toolkit includes sections on:
- Step 1: Leadership.
- Step 2: Goals and Scope of Project.
- Step 3: Assessment.
- Step 4: Decision Support Tools.
- Step 5: Education and Training.
- Step 6: Implementation.
- Step 7: Quality Monitoring Tools.
Institution of origin: Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Copyright information: © 2018 Dartmouth-Hitchcock. All rights reserved.
Publication date: 2018