Getting Recognition for Your AHRQ-Funded Study
AHRQ's Office of Communications (OC) tracks the publication of all AHRQ-funded research and assesses it for outreach potential, which can range from a press release to a mention in the Agency’s Electronic Newsletter.
As soon as your AHRQ-funded research has been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, please alert OC, and the AHRQ Project Officer, by submitting the accepted manuscript (drafts are OK). Please use this PDF form [153.4 KB] to submit the information below.
Note: AHRQ always honors embargo dates and coordinates with journals as needed. Contact with any questions or assistance with this form.
Fields marked with a * are required.
The fillable PDF form linked above contains the following fields to submit information. This page cannot submit information, and is intended only to identify the information requested in the form.
Title of Article * __________________
Article Author Name(s) * __________________
Corresponding Author Contact *
First Name __________________
Last Name __________________
Email Address __________________
Phone Number __________________
AHRQ Grant or Contract # __________________
AHRQ Project Officer * __________________
AHRQ Funding Center (if known) __________________
Other Funding Sources __________________
Name of Journal * __________________
Contact at Journal *
First Name __________________
Last Name __________________
Email Address __________________
Phone Number __________________
E-Publication Date (if known) __________________
Print Publication Date (if known) __________________
Embargo Date (if known) __________________
Has this or will this project result in multiple papers?
Check: Yes ___ No ___
If yes, have any papers resulting from this project been accepted by any journal in the past 3 months?
Check: Yes ___ No ___
Is this article part of a journal supplement?
Check: Yes ___ No ___
Has AHRQ paid for open access to this article and/or supplement?
Check: Yes ___ No ___