Data Innovations
The delivery of healthcare services in the United States is continuously evolving and undergoing significant changes. The consolidation of healthcare providers, growing role of healthcare systems, and implementation of alternative healthcare delivery models have changed the dynamics of healthcare service delivery, access, and payments. While existing data resources may be used to address many issues, additional data resources are needed to bridge emerging data gaps in the U.S. healthcare delivery environment.
To address these issues, AHRQ is engaged in several data development activities that have become known as "AHRQ Data Innovations." These activities include identifying data needs and data gaps, creating new research databases, and disseminating the data to support research and analysis to inform public and private policy.
The AHRQ Data Innovations initiative has resulted in the creation of databases for public dissemination. Some databases can be accessed directly through the AHRQ website and other databases require an application and signed data use agreement to ensure that privacy and confidentiality are protected.
- Hospital Financial Measures Database (HFMD).
- Physician and Physician Practice Research Database (3P-RD).
- Social Determinants of Health (SDOH).
- Synthetic Healthcare Data for Research (SyH-DR) (application required).
Panoramic View of Patient Care Databases
The panoramic view is in progress.
Data Innovations Statistical Briefs
- Statistical Brief 1: State Variation in Birth Rates and Payments Among Women Ages 18–44 With Commercial Insurance (PDF, 3 MB)
- Statistical Brief 2: State Variation in Opioid Prescription Fills After Childbirth Among Women Ages 18-44 With Commercial Insurance (PDF, 3 MB)
- Statistical Brief 3: Analyzing Short-Term Acute Care Hospitals' Financial Measures Across Key Characteristics, 2016–2019 (PDF, 1 MB)
- New—Statistical Brief 4: Variability in Statin Use After Hospitalization for Cardiovascular Events or Procedures Among Medicare Beneficiaries Age 65 Years and Older (PDF, 1 MB)
- New—Statistical Brief 5: Variability in Statin Use After Hospitalization for Cardiovascular Events or Procedures Among Commercially Insured Beneficiaries Ages 45-64 (PDF, 868 KB)