Implementing Group Visits In Primary Care Practice: Guide
Resource: Putting Group Visits into Practice: A Practical Overview to Preparation, Implementation, and Maintenance of Group Visits at Massachusetts General Hospital (PDF, 422 MB, 26 pages)
Group visits provide an effective way to engage and support patients with chronic conditions, in alignment with Key Driver 5: Engage with patients and families in evidence-based care and quality improvement. This guide on how to implement group visits is based on the experiences of Massachusetts General Hospital’s primary care practice. It addresses the following topics:
- Preparing and Planning for a Group Visit:
- Practice Resources.
- Provider Training.
- Assessing Patient Care Needs.
- Implementing a Group Visit at Your Practice:
- Structure and Content of the Session.
- Timing and Scheduling.
- Billing for Group Visits.
- Maximizing Attendance and Recruiting Patients.
- Maintaining and Sustaining Group Visits:
- Providers.
- Patients.
- Practices: Fitting Group Visits into Practice and System Changes.
Institution of origin: Massachusetts General Hospital
Author(s): Eisenstat S, Siegel AL, Carlson K, Ulman K
Acknowledgements: This resource was developed in conjunction with Women’s Health Associates and Massachusetts General Hospital’s John D. Stoeckle Center for Primary Care Innovation.
Publication date: January 2012