Implementing a Daily Team Huddle—AMA CME Module
Resource: Implementing a Daily Team Huddle (PDF, 511 KB, 13 pages)
This comprehensive implementation guide discusses why real-time, in-person huddles are beneficial for practice team communication, explains how to implement effective huddles, and provides case studies as examples. This CME module from the AMA’s STEPSforward Practice Improvement Strategies outlines three simple steps to implement and improve daily huddles, and provides case studies and downloadable resources for easy implementation. In accordance with Key Driver 4: Create and support high functioning teams to deliver high-quality evidence-based care, this resource provides a strategy to optimize communication of practice teams in medical practices.
Select for a modifiable checklist referred to on page 6 of the implementation guide. The checklist serves as a guideline for efficient, effective team huddles and provides a sample agenda to lead the meeting.
Institution of origin: American Medical Association
Author(s): Yu, E
Copyright information: © 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Publication date: 2015
Note: To download this Word document, look under the element 'Delivery System Design'.