Single Specialty Hospitals and Economic Efficiency: Evidence from the Supply Side
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Single Specialty Hospitals And Economic Efficiency: Evidence From The Supply Side
Kathleen Carey* James F. Burgess Jr.* and Gary J. Young**
AHRQ Annual Meeting—September 21, 2011
Research funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and by AHRQ.
*Boston University School of Public Health and Department of Veterans Affairs
** Northeastern University
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Legislative History of Single Specialty Hospitals (SSHs): I
- Ethics in Patient Referrals Act (Stark I & II): 1989, 1993.
- "Whole Hospital Exception": a fertile environment for development of new SSHs.
- Reasons for proliferation?
- Distortions in the payment system.
- Technological advances.
- Dissatisfaction on the part of physicians with responses of hospital administrators.
- Moratorium on new physician-owned cardiac, orthopedic, and surgical SSHs: 2003 to 2006.
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Legislative History of Single Specialty Hospitals (SSHs): II
- What were the issues?
- Patient selection: cherry-picking.
- Financial impact on community hospitals.
- Conflict of interest: self-referral, induced demand.
- Medicare inpatient reimbursement structure reform: FY2007.
- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Section 6001:
- Whole hospital exception dismantled.
- Stricter limitations on grandfathered SSHs.
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What Lies Ahead? I
- Efforts to remove restrictions in Section 6001 underway:
- Lobbying efforts to persuade legislators.
- Legal challenges around the constitutionality to persuade the courts.
- Restrictions only relate to SSHs with respect to reimbursement under federal insurance programs (viz., Medicare).
- SSHs can continue to operate by relying on reimbursements from private plans and on out-of-pocket payments by patients.
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What Lies Ahead? II
- All SSHs are not the same.
- Two types: Orthopedic/Surgical and Cardiac.
- Key differentiating factors in addition to specialization:
- Size: Cardiac average 60 beds—OrthSurg average 20.
- Scope of Services: Most OrthSurg SSHs do not have Emergency Departments but most Cardiac SSHs do.
- Payer mix: MedPAC found that ~ 2/3 of Cardiac SSH patients were reimbursed by Medicare and 1/3 by private payers; for OrthSurg SSHs just the reverse.
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What Does the Literature Show?
- Self-referral:
- Mitchell, Medical Care (2008):
- In referrals by orthopedic doc-owners compared to non-owners, OK SSHs.
- Mitchell, Medical Care (2008):
- Utilization:
- Nallamothu, JAMA (2007):
- In coronary revascularization procedures, Medicare population.
- Mitchell, Medical Care Research & Review (2007):
- In complex spinal fusion procedures, OK SSHs.
- Nallamothu, JAMA (2007):
- Selection:
- GAO Report, 2003.
- Cram et al., NEJM 2005.
- Mitchell, Health Affairs 2005.
- Guterman, Health Affairs 2006.
- Cost:
- Barro et al. Journal of Health Economics (2006):
- Spending for cardiac care in markets w/ cardiac SSHs w/o worse outcomes.
- Schneider et al., Inquiry 2007: ? in hospital level costs, national SSH study.
- Carey et al. Health Services Research (2008):
- Orthopedic/Surgical SSHs cost inefficiency.
- Barro et al. Journal of Health Economics (2006):
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Research Questions
- The question of SSH cost efficiency is deep.
- One economic issue is whether there is "enough scale at all of these separate institutions to allow them to operate efficiently" (Newhouse, 2004).
- Also, more services allow for joint costs of services.
Do SSHs realize economies of scale?
Do SSHs realize economies of scope?
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- Too few observations on cardiac SSHs.
- We focused on orthopedic and surgical SSHs.
- These hospitals are primarily engaged in outpatient surgical services.
- They also treat inpatients, although on a smaller scale.
- Multiple output cost function with 2 outputs:
- Inpatient Discharges.
- Outpatient Visits.
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Hospital Cost Function Approach
Operating Costs =
f (discharges, outpatient visits, average length of stay, wage index, bed size, case-mix index, outpatient case-mix index, teaching hospital indicator, ownership, SSH indicator, SSH*discharges, SSH*outpatient visits).
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Data Sources
- Medicare Cost Reports 1998-2008.
- American Hospital Association Annual Survey Database.
- ~ 90% of SSHs are located in 10 states (n=405):
- Arizona.
- California.
- Idaho.
- Indiana.
- Kansas.
- Louisiana.
- Ohio.
- Oklahoma.
- South Dakota.
- Texas.
- Competitors in same market (n=5,273)
(Dartmouth Hospital Referral Regions).
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Production Cost Efficiency Construct I: EOS
- Economies of Scale (EOS).
- Does the average cost decline as output increases? Or, is cost ↑ < output ↑(in proportional terms).
- EOS = [1/ (MC/AC)] = [1 / cost elasticity].
- For multiple outputs, Ray Scale EOS assumes that all outputs increase proportionately.
- Ray EOS = [1 / Σ cost elasticities].
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Graphic Conceptualization of EOS
Image: Line graph with "Cost" and "Medical Services" on the x and y axes compares Range of EOS, Marginal Cost, and Average Cost.
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- Short-run cost function.
- Cubic functional form.
- GEE estimator.
(1 - BED elasticity) / (DIS elasticity + OPV elasticity) =
(1 - δ*BED) / [(α11DIS + 2*α21DIS2 + 3*α31DIS)3 +
β11OPV +2* β21OPV2 + 3*β31OPV)3]
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Results: EOS
General Hospitals | Specialty Hospitals | |||||||
Discharges | Visits | Beds | EOS | Discharges | Visits | Beds | EOS | |
Q1 | 1,600 | 28,555 | 52 | 2.70 | 262 | 3,882 | 9 | 2.13 |
Median | 4,645 | 61,478 | 119 | 1.11 | 498 | 5,224 | 14 | 1.44 |
Q3 | 10,925 | 121,633 | 233 | 0.658 | 987 | 9,499 | 24 | 1.05 |
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Production Cost Efficiency Construct II: ESC
- Economies of scope (ESC): present if the cost of jointly producing a set of outputs is lower than the costs of producing those outputs separately.
For the 2 output case:
ESC = [C(DIS,0) + C(0,OPV) - C(DIS,OPV)] / C(DIS,OPV)
- ESC are present if the expression is positive:
- Will occur if the numerator is positive.
- Indicates it is cheaper to produce outputs DIS and OPV jointly than in separate facilities.
- The expression rarely applied in the case of hospitals.
- Why not? Because it is unusual that hospitals would be producing at levels of zero output.
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ESC: What if orthopedic and surgical SSHs closed their doors?
- Alternative conception of economies of Scope (ESC).
- ESC exist if it is possible to produce outputs jointly in the same hospital cheaper than it is to produce them separately.
- How will we measure ESC?
- ESC = [C(System A) + C(System B) - C(System C)] / C(System C).
- Where System A is general hospital production, System B is SSH production, and System C is a simulation of general hospital technology cost of producing (general hospital + SSH) outputs.
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Cost A refers to production of general hospital output using general hospital technology.
Cost B refers to production of specialty hospital output using specialty hospital technology.
Cost C refers to joint production of general hospital and specialty hospital output using general hospital technology.
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[ESC = (Cost A + Cost B - Cost C) / Cost C]
Specialty Hospitals | General Hospitals | ||
1st Quartile | Median | 3rd Quartile | |
1st Quartile | (22.71+8.62-23.95)/23.95 = 0.30 | (41.12+8.62-43.02)/43.02 = 0.16 | (105.44+8.62-108.69)/108.69 = 0.05 |
Median | (22.71+11.76-25.07)/25.07 = 0.38 | (41.12+11.76-44.74)/44.74 = 0.18 | (105.44+11.76-111.65)/111.65 = 0.05 |
3rd Quartile | (22.71+21.09-27.62)/27.62 = 0.59 | (41.12+21.09-48.60)/48.60 = 0.28 | (105.44+21.09-118.19)/118.19 = 0.07 |
Costs measured in million $.
Quartile values taken across distributions of discharges and outpatient visits.
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Results: ESC, continued
Implicit Cost Savings (million dollars):
(Cost A + Cost B—Cost C).
Specialty Hospitals | General Hospitals | ||
1st Quartile | Median | 3rd Quartile | |
1st Quartile | 7.38 | 6.72 | 5.37 |
Median | 9.40 | 8.14 | 5.55 |
3rd Quartile | 16.18 | 13.61 | 8.34 |
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- SSHs may lack sufficient scale to compete effectively with general hospitals on the basis of cost efficiency:
- Yet this supply side analysis does not account for demand side price competition pressures.
- Simulation analyses also suggest potential improvement in cost efficiency through exploitation of economies of scope by shifting SSH production to general hospitals.
- But only one piece of evidence in understanding a very complex issue: SSHs might be able to control costs through leaner staffing, tighter inventory control and/or effective discharge planning, e.g.