AHRQ Rethinks the Future of Healthcare Quality
As the Nation's population diversifies and grows older, AHRQ increasingly explores related dimensions of healthcare quality and strategies needed for improvement. AHRQ's quest to anticipate and meet the needs of our changing healthcare systems has been aided by the Agency's National Advisory Council for Healthcare Research and Quality—a 21-member panel of private-sector experts who provide advice to the Agency director about its agenda for health services research and evidence dissemination and implementation. In November 2021, a Council subcommittee offered recommendations (PDF, 250 KB) on potential new opportunities for AHRQ to enhance quality measurement and standards development activities. Members of the subcommittee subsequently authored blogs that address healthcare quality in four vital areas: nursing home/rehabilitation care, behavioral healthcare, home healthcare and hospice care. Below is an introductory blog by AHRQ Director Robert Otto Valdez, Ph.D., M.H.S.A., followed by blogs authored by Council members:
- With A Little Help, AHRQ Rethinks the Future of Healthcare Quality.
- Measuring What Matters: Catalyzing Conversations on the Quality of Long-Term Care.
- Addressing Today's Steep Challenges of Providing High-Quality Behavioral Healthcare.
- Challenges and Opportunities in Home Health Quality Improvement.
- For Hospice Care, a Pressing Need to Ensure Quality for Patients and Families.