Invest in Trust: A Guide for Building COVID-19 Vaccine Trust and Increasing Vaccination Rates Among CNAs
Resource: Invest in Trust: A Guide for Building COVID-19 Vaccine Trust and Increasing Vaccination Rates Among CNAs (PDF, 883.4 KB)
Invest in Trust: A Guide for Building COVID-19 Vaccine Trust Among Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) is designed to help nursing home leaders build COVID-19 vaccine confidence among CNAs and overcome barriers to vaccination by applying insights from social, behavioral and cognitive science.
The guide sheds light on CNAs’ reasons for not getting vaccinated and the challenges they face to getting a vaccine. It also offers practical advice on how to have conversations with CNAs about the vaccine, what kinds of messages to use, and how to support CNAs in making their decisions. Use it to help improve staff vaccination rates in your nursing home.
Source: AHRQ
Topic(s): Vaccination
Audience(s): Clinical Leaders; Managers
Format: PDF