Table 18: Outcome Indicators by State Prevalence of Any Disability, 2005a
Select for:
- Table 18A: National HCBS Population.
- Table 18B: Dually Eligible HCBS Participants.
- Table 18C: Medicaid-Only HCBS Participants.
- Table 18E: SMI Subpopulation.
- Table 18F: HCBS Population Ages 18-64 Without I/DD or SMI.
- Table 18G: HCBS Population Age 65+.
Outcome Indicator | Percentage of Population 18-64 With Any Disability |
Percentage of Population 65+ With Any Disability |
Percentage of Population 18-64 Receiving SSDI |
Percentage of State Population Diagnosed With Mental Retardation and Receiving SSDI |
>Median | ≤Median | >Median | ≤Median | >Median | ≤Median | >Median | ≤Median | |
Short-Term Complications of Diabetes | 191 | 137 | 188 | 130 | 167 | 139 | 182 | 138 |
Asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | 838 | 669 | 745 | 711 | 821 | 603 | 830 | 658 |
Congestive Heart Failure | 841 | 562 | 745 | 589 | 737 | 551 | 786 | 572 |
Composite: Potentially Preventable Infection | 4,947 | 4,152 | 4,518 | 4,343 | 4,757 | 3,981 | 4,891 | 4,113 |
Bacterial Pneumonia | 3,159 | 2,855 | 2,901 | 2,999 | 3,150 | 2,709 | 3,167 | 2,822 |
Urinary Tract Infection | 1,788 | 1,296 | 1,618 | 1,344 | 1,607 | 1,272 | 1,724 | 1,292 |
Infection Due to Device or Implant | 385 | 266 | 370 | 258 | 322 | 285 | 378 | 259 |
Dehydration | 861 | 617 | 745 | 664 | 770 | 608 | 827 | 617 |
Composite: ACSC Chronic Conditions | 2,506 | 1,886 | 2,292 | 1,945 | 2,306 | 1,820 | 2,409 | 1,890 |
Composite: ACSC Acute Conditions | 3,829 | 3,169 | 3,556 | 3,266 | 3,624 | 3,089 | 3,751 | 3,157 |
Composite: ACSC Overall | 6,335 | 5,055 | 5,848 | 5,211 | 5,930 | 4,908 | 6,161 | 5,048 |
Pressure Ulcer | 1,757 | 1,227 | 1,653 | 1,218 | 1,537 | 1,233 | 1,672 | 1,232 |
Injurious Falls | 88 | 65 | 70 | 75 | 90 | 50 | 94 | 59 |
ACSC = ambulatory care-sensitive condition; HCBS = home and community-based services; I/DD = intellectual and development disabilities; SMI = serious mental illness; SSDI = Social Security Disability Income.
a. All outcome indicators expressed as potentially avoidable hospital stays per 100,000 persons in the HCBS population. HCBS population for outcome indicators excludes: individuals under age 18; people with only institutional use in a given quarter; people on managed care plans; and persons in the States of Arizona, Maine, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Dually eligible = dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. Eligibility for Medicare defined as inclusion in Medicare denominator file.
Medicaid only = part of Medicaid HCBS population but not enrolled in Medicare.
HCBS subpopulations of I/DD, SMI, Under 65 Without I/DD or SMI, and 65+ are defined as in the Appendix.
Source data uses the term mental retardation. Elsewhere in this report we refer to this condition as part of the I/DD subpopulation.
Median is defined as the value at which half of States are below and half of States are above.
Source for Outcome Indicators: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) data, and Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) data.
Sources for column heading data are described in the Appendix.