Census Language Namea | Census Codea | ISO 639-3 Individual languageb |
ISO 639-2 Individual languageb |
ISO 639-1 Individual languageb |
ISO Language Nameb |
Other Names and Additional Information |
Reported in the Census 2000c |
Kaiser Permanente Health Pland |
Contra Costa Health Pland |
HRET Hospital Surveyf |
NACHC Survey of CHCsg |
Language Line Useh |
NY Presbyterian Hospitale |
SFGHe | UWe | Sutter Healthe |
White Mountain | 979 | apw | Apache, Western (differs from other Apache codes) |
White Mountain is dialect of Western Apache |
Wichita | 937 | Nearly extinct | x | |||||||||||||
Windish | 644 | Slovenian language group | ||||||||||||||
Winnebago | 909 | win | Ho-Chunk | x | ||||||||||||
Wintun | 875 | wit | Wintu | Nearly extinct | x | |||||||||||
Wiyot | 826 | wiy | Wiyot | Extinct | x | |||||||||||
Woleai-Ulithi | 763 | woe | Woleaian | x | ||||||||||||
Wolof | 794 | wol | wol | wo | Wolof | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||
Wu | 715 | wuu (sub of Chinese with own code) | Wu Chinese | x | x | x | ||||||||||
Wyandot (see Huron) | 932 | wya | Wyandot | Extinct | x | |||||||||||
Xhosa | 792 | xho | xho | xh | Xhosa | x | x | x | ||||||||
Yakama | 882 | |||||||||||||||
Yakut | 693 | sah | sah | Yakut | x | |||||||||||
Yapese | 764 | yap | yap | Yapese | x | x | ||||||||||
Yaqui | 955 | yaq | Yaqui | x | ||||||||||||
Yavapai (different code than Havasupai) | 900 | yuf | Havasupai- Walapai- Yavapai |
x | ||||||||||||
Yenisei | 683 | kjh | Khakas | Abakan Tartar, Yennisej Tartar, Xakas |
Yiddish | 609 | yid (macro with 2 subs) | yid | yi | Yiddish | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ||||
Yoruba | 796 | yor | yor | yo | Yoruba | x | x | x | x | |||||||
Yuchi | 903 | yuc | Yuchi | Nearly extinct | x | |||||||||||
Yugoslav | 649 | |||||||||||||||
Yuki | 922 | yuk | Yuki | Extinct | x | |||||||||||
Yuma | 894 | yum | Quechan | Kechan | ||||||||||||
Yupik | 805 | esu (Central) ess (Central Siberain) ynk (Naukan) ems (Pacific Gulf) ysr (Sirenic) |
ypk (collective) |
Yupik | x | x | ||||||||||
Yurok | 827 | yur | Yurok | Yurok; nearly extinct | x | |||||||||||
Zapoteca | 971 | zap (macro with 47 subs |
zap | Zapotec | x | x | ||||||||||
Zia | 924 | zia | Zia | |||||||||||||
Zulu | 792 | zul | zul | zu | Zulu | x | x | x | ||||||||
Zuni | 964 | zun | zun | Zuni | x | |||||||||||
736 | Bravanese (name for Swahili use in part of Somalia |
x | ||||||||||||||
uncoded | daw | Davawenyo | Davaweno | x | ||||||||||||
uncoded | hac | Gorani | Southern Kurdish language |
x | ||||||||||||
uncoded | Manegra | x | ||||||||||||||
uncoded written | Brai (4 letter script code ISO 15924) |
Braille | x | |||||||||||||
coded as English | Nonspeaking; speech loss | |||||||||||||||
uncoded | Declined, Refused | x | ||||||||||||||
coded as English | ase | American Sign Language |
Deaf; Hearing Impaired; Non Hearing | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |||||
American Sign Language tactive |
x | |||||||||||||||
uncoded | 130 possible choices |
Multiple Sign Language options |
Other Sign Language | x | x | x | ||||||||||
uncoded | und | Undetermined; Unable to Determine; Unknown |
x | x |
a U.S. Census Bureau. 2007. Census 2000 Summary File 2—Technical documentation. Appendix G code lists. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau. Additional languages were added to this column based on the responses in columns on health plan, hospital, and community health center use. An asterisk indicates a language added to the Census 2000 list.
b SIL International. 2009. ISO 639 Code Tables. http://sil.org/iso639-3/codes.asp?order=639_3&letter=a (accessed August 25, 2009).
c Modern Language Association. 2009. All languages reported to the US Census in 2000. http://www.mla.org/map_data_langlist&mode=lang_tops (accessed May 26, 2009).
d Refer to Appendixes G and H on Kaiser Permanente and Contra Costa for information on their approaches to data collection and categorization.
e Personal communications from Emilio Carrillo, New York Presbyterian Hospital, May 11, 2009; Alice Chen, San Francisco General Hospital, July 7, 2009; Maria Moreno and Traci Van, Sutter Health, July 22, 2009; Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, University of Wisconsin Health, May 11, 2009.
f Hasnain-Wynia, R., J. Yonek, D. Pierce, R. Kang, and C. H. Greising. 2006. Hospital language services for patients with limited English proficiency: Results from a national survey . Chicago, IL: Health Research and Educational Trust (HRET)/AHA.
g National Association of Community Health Centers. 2008. Serving patients with limited English proficiency: Results of a community health center survey . Bethesda, MD: National Association of Community Health Centers and National Health Law Program.
h Language Line Service. 2009. List of languages by Language Line Services. http://www.languageline.com/page/languages/ (accessed June 12, 2009)