Amendment to the Charter
National Advisory Council for Health Care Policy, Research, and Evaluation
The Council shall advise the Secretary and Administrator through recommendations regarding priorities for a national agenda and strategy for:
- conduct of research, demonstration projects, and evaluations with respect to health care, including clinical practice and primary care;
- development and application of appropriate healthcare technology assessments;
- development and periodic review and updating of guidelines for clinical practice standards of quality, performance measures, and medical review criteria with respect to health care; and
- conduct of research on outcomes of health care services and procedures.
The Council shall provide second level review of all grant applications exceeding $250,000 in total direct costs and, in addition, may provide second level review of grant applications in excess of $50,000 total direct costs.
The Council shall consist of 17 appropriately qualified individuals. Among these 17 members, 8 shall be individuals distinguished in the conduct of research, demonstration projects, and evaluations with respect to health care; 3 shall be individuals distinguished in the practice of medicine; 2 shall be individuals distinguished in the health professions; 2 shall be individuals distinguished in the fields of business, law, ethics, economics, and public policy; and 2 shall be individuals representing the interests of consumers of health care.
The Council also shall include Federal officials as ex officio members. The voting Federal members shall be the Administrator, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; the Director, National Institutes of Health; the Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the Administrator, Health Care Financing Administration; the Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration; the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs); and the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Such other Federal officials as the Secretary may consider appropriate may be appointed as non-voting members.
The Administrator, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, shall select one of the 17 public members as Chair. A quorum of the Council shall consist of a majority of the voting members or their representatives.
Members shall be appointed for a term of 3 years, except that of the 17 members first appointed, 6 shall serve for 3 years, 6 shall serve for 2 years, and 5 shall serve for 1 year.
Any member appointed to fill a vacancy for an unexpired term shall serve for the remainder of such term. Members may serve after the expiration of their terms until their successors have taken office.
Management and support services shall be provided by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.
APPROVED: March 10, 1993, and signed by Donna E. Shalala.