NAC Member Biography: Kannan Ramar
Kannan Ramar, M.D., F.A.A.S.M., F.C.C.P.
Professor of Medicine, Chief Safety Officer, and Assistant Dean for Clinical Learning Environment Optimization
Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education
Kannan Ramar, M.D., F.A.A.S.M., F.C.C.P., is the chief patient safety officer for Mayo Clinic and serves as the assistant dean for clinical learning environment optimization at the Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education (MCSGME). He is a professor of medicine in the division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He is the immediate past president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and was the president of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS) from 2021 to 2022. He served as a member of the Leadership Consortium and the Virtual Healthcare Quality action team of the National Quality Forum.
Dr. Ramar serves as the chair of the Mayo Clinic Patient Safety Subcommittee and the Graduate Medical Education Committee. He serves on the Mayo Clinic Proceedings Editorial Board as the pulmonary medicine section editor and is vice chair of the Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety. He recently served on the board of directors of the AASM, APSS, AASM Foundation, and the American Board of Sleep Medicine.
Dr. Ramar is board-certified in critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and sleep medicine and is the recipient of many notable awards, including the Diamond Lifetime Achievement Award for Quality Improvement, Teacher of the Year by the Mayo Fellows' Association 2015, Teacher of the Year 2013 for Inpatient Education, and the MCSGME Program Director Recognition Award 2018–2019.
Contact Information:
School of Graduate Medical Education
Mayo Clinic
200 First Street, SW
Rochester, MN 55905-0001
Phone: (507) 284-2447