National Action Alliance Previous Webinars
Informational Webinars
AHRQ hosted informational webinars on behalf of the National Action Alliance.
Materials from the April 25 Webinar
The first webinar, held on April 25, highlighted the initiative's primary activities.
- Public Agenda (PDF, 119 KB).
- Video: Overview of the National Action Alliance to Advance Patient Safety (1:01:40).
- Slide Presentation (PDF, 4 MB).
- Request for Information Summary (PDF, 180 KB).
- Safer Together: National Action Plan and Self-Assessment Tool.
Materials from the June 27 Webinar
The second webinar, held on June 27, addressed violence in the workplace.
- Agenda (PDF, 164 KB).
- Video: Addressing Violence in the Workplace (57:10).
- Slide Presentation (PDF, 2 MB).
- Chat Conversations (PDF, 151 KB).
Materials from the July 25 Webinar
The third webinar, held on July 25, discussed the inclusion of patients and families in improving healthcare safety.
- Agenda (PDF, 139 KB).
- Video: Involving Patients and Families in Safety (1:00:04).
- Slide Presentation (PDF, 2.2 MB).
Materials from the August 22 Webinar
The fourth webinar, held on August 22, covered engaging boards and executive leadership in safety.
- Video: Engaging Boards and Executive Leadership in Safety (1:18:57).
- Slide Presentation (PDF, 2.3 MB)
Materials from the September 26 Webinar
The fifth webinar, held on September 26, highlighted the journey toward becoming a high-reliability organization.
- Agenda (PDF, 166 KB).
- Video: VHA's Journey to High Reliability: Advancing Toward Zero Harm and Becoming a Learning Health System (1:00:59).
- Slide Presentation (PDF, 5 MB).