Preventing the Voltage Drop: Keeping Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) Practices Engaged in Studies
Practice-based research continues to evolve and has become a major methodology for many pragmatic studies. While early practice-based network projects were usually short term, current studies often introduce or compare practice innovations that require long-term evaluation. That change requires that practice sites remain engaged in research work for up to 5 years, a time that can allow for a significant "voltage drop," or decline in active participation. The loss of momentum, or "voltage drop," that happens in longer-term practice-based research network studies can be addressed using multiple strategies.
© Copyright 2014 by the American Board of Family Medicine.
Yawn BP, Dietrich A, Graham D, Bertram S, Kurland M, Madison S, Littlefield D, Manning B, Smail C, Pace W. Preventing the voltage drop: keeping practice-based research network (PBRN) practices engaged in studies. 2014 Jan-Feb.