Recruiting Primary Care Practices for Research: Reflections and Reminders
Recruiting primary care practices for research projects has always required carefully tended relationships, a compelling message, and good timing. Recruiting practices to participate in practice transformation research trials may take more and different efforts. We reflect on practice recruitment for a recently-concluded trial of a diabetes self-management support system in 2 states and 36 practices. When undertaking a pragmatic clinical trial requiring substantial practice change in a PBRN setting across a large number of practices, it is important that PBRN leaders develop a comprehensive strategy to identify and engage a broad group of stakeholders within each practice, understand their needs and priorities around research, and design and implement a structured communications strategy to maintain engagement throughout every phase of the project.
© Copyright 2018 by the American Board of Family Medicine.
Fernald DH, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Wearner R, Dickinson LM, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Recruiting Primary Care Practices for Research: Reflections and Reminders. 2018 Nov-Dec.