Tools for Forming Quality Improvement (QI) Teams that Include Patients
Resource: Cambridge Health Alliance Practice Improvement Team (PIT) Development Toolkit (PDF, 415 KB, 21 pages)
This toolkit, based on the experiences of a multi-site health system, helps clinics establish multidisciplinary quality improvement (QI) teams that include patient representation. It includes information on how to identify and recruit patient partners, build a cohesive team, and test and spread successful innovations to other teams and sites. It includes step-by-step implementation guidance and practical tools, such as a sample letter to invite patients to participate on the QI team, an example of a Patient Partnership Agreement, and a Practice Improvement Team Recruitment Action Chart. This resource can help practices develop a team and implement QI projects as part of Key Driver 2: Implement a data-driven quality improvement process to integrate evidence into practice procedures. Involving patients on the QI team addresses Key Driver 5: Engage with patients and families in evidence-based care and quality improvement.
Institution of origin: Cambridge Health Alliance
Author(s): Lind C, Reddit V, Satterstrom P, Sherman H, Chamberlin R, Lopes I, Fleishman J, Stout S
Copyright information: © Cambridge Health Alliance. All rights reserved. May make photocopies without requesting permission for noncommercial purposes.
Publication date: 2013