Dietary Guidance: Building a DASH Diet Plate
Resource: Building a DASH Diet Plate (PDF, 312 KB, 2 pages)
This "plate" is a visual aid that can be used by clinicians to counsel patients on the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet. An expanded list of foods (organized by food group) is provided on the second page of the handout.
This aligns with Key Driver 5: Engage with Patients and Families in Evidence-Based Care and Quality.
Institution of origin: Cardi-OH
Authors: Eileen Seeholzer, MD, MS, Case Western Reserve University; Kate Gawlik, DNP, APRN-CNP, The Ohio State University; Sarah McAleer, MEd, RD, LD, Case Western Reserve University, on behalf of Team Best Practices
Acknowledgements: Heart Healthy Ohio Initiative, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality EvidenceNOW Initiative
Publication date: August 2022