Do It Yourself Run Chart for Primary Care Practices
Resource: Do It Yourself Run Chart (XLSX, 86 KB)
Primary care practices can use this Excel spreadsheet to create run charts to track their progress in quality improvement. It includes instructions, an example of a diabetes measure, and a programmed blank spreadsheet. By creating a visual display of their quality improvement progress, this tool can help practices use and act upon data to improve care, part of Key Driver 2: Implement a data-driven quality improvement process to integrate evidence into practice procedures.
Institution of origin: Safety Net Medical Home Initiative, Qualis Health
Author(s): Safety Net Medical Home Initiative
Note: This resource is available for download under “Tools” on the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative Web site’s Quality Improvement Strategy page at Scroll down to the “Tools” section, and select “Do It Yourself Run Chart.” At the prompt, select to Open to access the Excel file, or Save or Save As to download the Excel file.