Finding Sustainable Funding for Primary Care Extension Programs
Resource: Sustainable funding for Primary Care Extension (PDF, 7 MB, 9 pages)
Finding sustainable funding for primary care extension programs is a challenge. This resource provides guidance for existing programs that seek to become financially sustainable. This includes:
- Information about funding strategies,
- Potential funding sources, and
- Examples and tips, primarily from past AHRQ EvidenceNOW and IMPaCT grantees.
Institution of origin: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Author(s): Gerteis JS, Brach C, and De La Mare J.
Acknowledgements: Prepared under contract with Abt Associates. Acknowledgments to Anne King, MBA; Jim Mold, MPH, MD; Art Kaufman, MD; and Mario Pacheco, MD for their input and review.
Publication date: March 2023