How to Adapt Guidelines to Practice Settings
Resource: Guideline Adaptation: A Resource Toolkit (PDF, 800 KB, 95 pages)
Developed by an international committee of experts, this resource outlines a systematic approach to adapting practice guidelines produced for one setting to the needs or situation at another organization or setting. The three-phased ADAPTE approach emphasizes involving stakeholders in identifying, evaluating, adapting, and getting feedback on guidelines. Although ADAPTE’s rigorous process may be better suited to large systems, smaller practices are likely to find elements of the toolkit valuable in customizing evidence to their practice’s population and context, a part of Key Driver 1: Seek, select, and customize the best evidence for use by the practice. Sections of this resource include information on the following aspects of adapting guidelines:
- Preparation.
- Scope and Purpose.
- Search and Screening.
- Assessment – includes link to training for assessment tool (p.23).
- Decision and Selection.
- Customization.
- External Review and Acknowledgement.
- Aftercare Planning.
- Final Production.
Institution of origin: The ADAPTE Collaboration, the Guidelines International Network
Author(s): Brouwers M, Browman G, Burgers J, Burnand B, Coulombe M, Fervers B, Graham ID, Harrison MB, Haugh M, Latreille J, Mlika-Cabanne N, Paquet L, Poirier M, Rajan R, Stockinger MR, Rosen S, Simon A, Van den Hoek J, Vlayen J, Zitzelsberger L
Copyright information: © 2010 Guideline International Network
Date: 2009