Obtaining and Using Data in Practice: A Handbook for Health IT Advisors and Practice Facilitators
Resource: Obtaining and Using Data in Practice: A Handbook for Health IT Advisors and Practice Facilitators (PDF, 6 MB, 153 pages)
This handbook provides in-depth information and techniques to help primary care practices use electronic health records and other health IT for quality improvement efforts. The handbook covers the following topics: clinical decision support, patient portals and other technologies, using patient-generated data, clinical quality measures, and risk stratification in primary care. The handbook also features helpful tips, examples, and use cases to support the use of health IT for QI efforts. This tool aligns with Key Driver 3: Optimize health information systems to extract data and support use of evidence in practice, change strategies: create dashboard reports for selected measures, improve data accuracy and transparency and secure staff trust, use electronic health records to improve data collection, and use registries and other data sources creatively to track the provision of evidence-based care.
Institution of origin: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Author(s): Bannon J, Bienstock A, Cass B, Dickinson P, Gleason L, Kendrick D, Knierim K, McCaskill M, McCormack J, Ross S, Whitley E.
Acknowledgements: This handbook was developed under a contract with Abt Associates, Inc.
Publication date: May 2022