Updated Hypertension Control Change Package
Resource: Hypertension Control Change Package, Second Edition
This Million Hearts® action guide lists process improvements that outpatient clinical settings can implement as they seek optimal hypertension (HTN) control among their patients. The Hypertension Control Change Package is composed of change concepts, change ideas, and evidence- or practice based-tools and resources. Compared to the original change package published in 2015, this second edition includes more self-measured blood pressure-focused content with tools and resources, more tools to find patients with potentially undiagnosed HTN, and new strategies that focus on chronic kidney disease testing and identification.
The updated change package focuses on four main areas: key foundations, equipping care teams, population health management, and individual patient supports. As such, it supports all six key drivers: Key Driver 1: Seek, Select, and Customize the Best Evidence for Use by the Practice, Key Driver 2: Implement a Data-driven Quality Improvement Process to Integrate Evidence into Practice Procedures, Key Driver 3: Optimize health information systems to extract data and support use of evidence in practice, Key Driver 4: Create and Support High Functioning Care Teams to Deliver High-Quality Evidence-Based Care, Key Driver 5: Engage with Patients and Families in Evidence-Based Care and Quality Improvement, Key Driver 6: Nurture Leadership and Create A Culture of Continuous Learning and Evidence-Based Practice.
Institute of Origin: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Authors: Hilary K. Wall, MPH; Lauren Owens, MPH (IHRC, Inc.); and Kaitlin Graff, MSW, MPH, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Publication Date: May 2020