Find, Evaluate, and Use Research Evidence in Care Decisions
Resource: Informed Decision Toolbox (PDF, 86.4 KB, 1 page)
This resource provides step-by-step instructions for finding, evaluating, and using research evidence to make informed decisions in health care. It describes six steps to consider when gathering evidence to make a well-informed decision. This resource is included here as a possible framework for selecting and customizing evidence for practice-wide implementation, which is a change strategy of Key Driver 1: Seek, select, and customize the best evidence for use by the practice.
Institution of origin: The Informed Decisions Toolbox: Tools for Knowledge Transfer and Performance Improvement. Journal of Healthcare Management, 52(5): 325–342.
Author(s): Rundall TG, Martelli PF, Arroyo L, McCurdy R, Graetz I, Neuwirth E, Curtis P, Schmittdiel J, Gibson M, Hsu J
Copyright information: © 2007 Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives
Publication date: 2007