Health System Dashboards on Patient & Family Advisor Integration
Resource: Patient and Family Advisor Dashboards (PDF, 1.84 MB, 1 page)
Practices and facilitators may find these four dashboards, designed to show quarterly and year-to-date progress made in integrating Patient and Family Advisors and providing patient- and family-centered care, useful models for presenting data.
- A 2017 Dashboard
- 2018 Dashboards
- A System-wide Dashboard
- A Site-level Dashboard
- A Dashboard for their Board
The dashboards display not only data on patient perceptions of the care they receive, but also how well Beaumont Health is involving patients and families in quality improvement, which aligns with Key Driver 5: Engage with Patients and Families in Evidence-Based Care and Quality Improvement. The 2017 dashboard compares performance on a set of quality improvement measures to targets and/or benchmarks, which aligns with Key Driver 2: Implement a Data-driven Quality Improvement Process to Integrate Evidence into Practice Procedures. Graphical displays of data show progress, as indicated in Key Driver 3: Optimize Health Information Systems to Extract Data and Support Use of Evidence in Practice.
Institution of origin: Beaumont Health
Target audience(s): Practice Facilitators, Quality Improvement Professionals, Clinicians, Practice Staff, Practice Leaders, Data Coordinators
Permissions: Used with permission of Beaumont Health.
Acknowledgements: Beaumont Health Nursing Data Analytics and Patient and Family-Centered Care Program