Measuring and Benchmarking Clinical Performance
Resource: Measuring and Benchmarking Clinical Performance (PDF, 983 KB, 13 pages)
Part of an AHRQ curriculum used to train practice facilitators, this resource describes sources for selecting primary care performance measures, the importance of determining the appropriate numerator and denominator in defining performance measures, and how to find and use benchmarking data for quality improvement work. It includes examples of how to present benchmarking data graphically. This resource can help primary care practices select quality improvement measures and compare performance with goals and benchmarks, all part of Key Driver 2: Implement a data-driven quality improvement process to integrate evidence into practice procedures.
Institution of origin: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Author(s): Knox L, Brach C
Acknowledgements: This document is part of AHRQ’s Primary Care Practice Facilitation Curriculum, available at:
Publication date: September 2015