Tool for Advancing Practice Performance
Resource: Tool for Advancing Practice Performance (TAPP) (PDF, 252 KB)
Resource: Instructions for Scoring the TAPP (PDF, 63 KB)
This tool is designed to assess practice-level primary care structures and processes that are associated with better care and clinical outcomes. The structure and processes are related to eight domains ranging from reducing clinical risk factors and establishing care team processes and workflows to use of clinical information systems. This resource can help practices adopt a consistent qualitative approach to improve care and patient outcomes, which aligns with Key Driver 2: Implement a data-driven quality improvement process to integrate evidence into practice procedures and and Change Strategy: Adopt a consistent QI approach and use QI tools to make changes
Institution of origin: New York University Langone's Department of Population Health
Permissions: Used with Permission of New York University Langone's Department of Population Health
Acknowledgements: This work was funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (1U01TR002008-01).