Tobacco Cessation Change Package
Resource: Tobacco Cessation Change Package
This resource offers a set of the latest evidence-based changes to improve delivery of clinical interventions for the treatment of tobacco use and dependence. The Tobacco Cessation Change Packet uses a quality improvement framework to offer a variety of resources that can help practices with training care teams, screening for and treating tobacco dependence, and referring patients and following-up afterwards. The Change package can help primary care practices with almost all of the key drivers, i.e., Key Driver 1: Seek, Select, and Customize the Best Evidence for Use by the Practice, Key Driver 2: Implement a Data-driven Quality Improvement Process to Integrate Evidence into Practice Procedures, Key Driver 4: Create and Support High Functioning Care Teams to Deliver High-Quality Evidence-Based Care and Key Driver 5: Engage with Patients and Families in Evidence-Based Care and Quality Improvement.
Please note that the evidence, recommendations, and/or measures have changed since the development of this resource. Make sure you incorporate the most recent information when using this tool.
Institution of origin: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Authors: Brenna VanFrank, Kaitlin Graff, Gillian Schauer, Rob Adsit, Lauren Owens, Stephen Babb, Danielle McCarthy, Anna Schecter, and Hilary K. Wall.
Publication date: 2020