Tobacco Cessation Toolkit for Primary Care Teams
Resource: Tobacco Cessation Clinical Toolkit for Primary Care Teams (PDF, 365 KB)
This toolkit includes information, tools, and links to additional information that medical assistants and others in primary care practices can use to improve tobacco cessation support for their patients.
This toolkit supports many of the EvidenceNOW Key Drivers, particularly with Key Driver 5: Engage with Patients and Families in Evidence-Based Care and Quality Improvement and Key Driver 4: Create and Support High Functioning Care Teams to Deliver High-Quality Evidence-Based Care.
Institution of origin: Healthy Heart Ohio
Authors: Seeholzer, E and Flocke, S
Permissions: Used with permission of Healthy Heart Ohio.
Acknowledgements: Healthy Heart Ohio, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality EvidenceNOW Initiative
Publication date: November 2021