Cultivating Champions for Evidence-Based Primary Care and Quality Improvement (QI)
Resource: Using Champions and Opinion Leaders to Support Learning, Evidence-based Practice, and Quality Improvement (PDF, 289.65 KB, 2 pages)
This one-page tip sheet explains how to identify and support staff from all parts of the practice to become champions. The resource aligns with Key Driver 6: Nurture leadership and create a culture of continuous learning and evidence-based practice by helping primary care practice leaders cultivate in-practice champions to create a culture of continuous learning and evidence-based practice. It also defines the skills and roles of effective champions.
Institution of origin: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Author(s): Brach, C
Permissions: This document is publicly available and anyone in the United States may use and reprint without permission for noncommercial purposes, except copyrighted materials that are clearly noted in the document. No one may reproduce copyrighted materials without the permission of the copyright holders. Users outside the U.S. must get permission from AHRQ to reprint or translate this document. Anyone wanting to reprint this document for sale must contact AHRQ for permission.
The authors are solely responsible for this document’s contents, findings, and conclusions; the findings and conclusions do not necessarily represent the views of AHRQ. Therefore, do not interpret any statement in this report as an official position of AHRQ or of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Acknowledgements: Adapted from: Brach C, Lenfestey N, Roussel A, et al. Will It Work Here? A Decisionmaker’s Guide to Adopting Innovations; Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality EvidenceNOW Initiative
Publication date: August 2018