Baer, Heather
Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards
Baer, Heather
Institution: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston
Grant Title: Use of Electronic Health Records for Addressing Overweight and Obesity in Primary Care
Grant Number: K01 HS019789
Duration: 5 years (2010-2015)
Total Award: $666,900
Project Description: The project has three main aims:
- Develop electronic health record (HER)-based tools to help primary care clinicians identify, evaluate, and treat patients who are overweight or obese.
- Conduct a randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of HER-based tools for the identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity in primary care.
- Develop personal health record (PHR)-based tools to help patients manage their weight.
Career Goals: Dr. Baer is an Instructor in Medicine in the Harvard Medical School and an Instructor in Epidemiology in the Harvard School of Public Health. She received her ScD in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health followed by a Research Fellow appointment at the same Institution. Her long-term career goals are to develop a multidisciplinary research program dedicated to developing and evaluating strategies to address obesity and modifiable risk factors.
Progress to Date: This grant has just started.
Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:
- Scholarship for Academic Achievement from Department of Health and Social Behavior, Harvard School of Public Health, 1999.
- Busch Scholar-in-Training Award, American Association for Cancer Research, 2005.
- Amalie and Edward Kass Fellowship, Eleanor and Miles Shore 50th Anniversary Fellowship for Scholars in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, 2007 and 2008.
K-Generated Publications: None thus far.