Goldman, L. Elizabeth
Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards
Institution: University of California, San Francisco
Grant Title: Evaluating and Improving Present-on-Admission for Performance Reporting
Grant Number: K08 HS018090
Duration: 5 years (2009-2014)
Total Award: $703,000
Project Description: This research has three main aims:
- Determine the accuracy of present-on-admission coding in CA acute care hospitals and assess for coding biases.
- Determine whether inaccuracies in present-on-admission coding are biased by hospital characteristics and whether inaccuracies can bias performance assessment of hospital risk-adjusted mortality.
- Improve the accuracy of hospital assessments of complications and performance by developing a methodology using laboratory data to distinguish comorbidities present at admission from potential complications of care.
Career Goals: Dr. Goldman is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). She received her MD from Yale School of Medicine and served her residency in Internal Medicine at UCSF. This was following by a General Medicine Fellowship, also at UCSF, during which she earned her Masters in Clinical Research. Dr. Goldman seeks to become an independent health services researcher investigating how best to improve the quality and safety of hospital care.
Progress to Date: For Aim #2, Dr. Goldman has merged the California Patient Discharge Data with data abstracted by the nurse and health information technicians. This data was then used for Aim #2 to determine whether hospital or patient characteristics influence present-on-admission coding inaccuracies.
Future Plans: Dr. Goldman will submit a manuscript detailing Aims #1 and #2. She will pursue an analysis evaluating mammography facility characteristics that could bias mammography center quality assessments and contribute to perceived disparities in quality between facilities serving vulnerable women and other facilities.
Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:
- American Medical Women's Association Community Service Award.
- Howard Hughes Fellowship.
K-Generated Publications: None thus far.