Koopman, Richelle J.
Summaries of Independent Scientist (K) Awards
Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia
Grant Title: Patient Readiness To Use Internet Health Resources
Grant Number: K08 HS17948
Duration: 5 years (2008-2013)
Total Award: $722,800
Project Description: The proposed research has two main aims:
- Develop a measure of the readiness (aptitude + desire) of patients with chronic conditions to use Web-based health resources for health information exchange.
- Determine how the frequency and type of Web-based health resources are associated with improvements in clinical measures for patients with type 2 diabetes.
Career Goals: Dr. Koopman is an Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Missouri-Columbia. She received her MD from the University of Pittsburgh and served her residency in family medicine at St. Margaret Memorial—University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. She was later a Faculty Development Fellow at the Medical University of South Carolina where she earned her Masters in Clinical Research. Dr. Koopman intends to become an independent health services researcher focusing on improving the quality and safety of patient care for those with chronic conditions.
Progress to Date: The main activity during year one was to begin scale development and the first task was item development. Four focus groups of ambulatory patients with chronic diseases took place. Responses are being analyzed.
Future Plans: During year two, item selection, testing, and factor analysis will take place and academic work will continue.
Highlights and Specific Accomplishments:
- Former member of the Editorial Board, Family Medicine.
- Former member of research committee, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.
- Review, Joint Grant Awards Program, American Academy of Family Physicians.
- Diabetes Special Interest Group Leader, North American Primary Care Research Group.
K-Generated Publications: None thus far.